This should be great news for all the admirers of Leelee Sobieski.
The beautiful actress is going to reveal her body in her next film,Finding Bliss.The beautiful actress plays a porn star in the movie,which is a rollout comedy on the adult industry.The actress should have done this movie with the idea of reviving her falling career.
In a recent interview,she speaks out- "I just finished a movie called Finding Bliss. It's a comedy about the adult industry. We all have nude scenes in the movie including me. It was completely necessary for the story. But sometimes we'd all sit around and be like, did we just film that? Are we going to regret this in a week? We were joking around about it a lot. But when you trust the director and know they have a vision and have a comfort in the dynamic and why you're doing it, then you're willing to take that risk!".
The nude pictures of naked leelee sobieski can be viewed here
December 31, 2008
Leelee Sobieski nude pictures in Finding Bliss
written by
2:32 AM
Labels: leelee, leelee sobieski, leelee sobieski naked, leelee sobieski pics in finding bliss
October 28, 2008
Jennifer Hudson's nephew found dead ??
Hours of tension surrounded the missing of Jennifer Hudson's nephew,Julian King.But now,her nephew is feared dead.
According to the police,they found a dead body of a boy in a 1994 White Chevy Suburban car on Chicago’s West Side.The place was just 14 miles away from the crime scene where Jennifer Hudson's Mother and Brother were shot dead brutally.
Police are fearing that the body could be that of Jennifer Hudson's nephew,Julian King,as there were some similarities between the boy and the body based on which the police set a search for her nephew.
Aged 7,the boy was reportedly taken away by the murderer on Friday after shooting Jennifer Hudson's Mother Darnell and Brother Jason to death.
written by
1:27 AM
October 22, 2008
Amanda Carraway playboy nude pictures
Amanda Carraway - Wife of the Arizona NFL player Monty Beisel,has been in news for her nude picture posings for Playboy.
Amanda Carraway is a Miss Kansas Teen USA and a former Miss Kansas USA. The playboy pictures of Amanda Carraway will be seen in the next month's edition of Playboy.
She suddenly shot into fame with her nude posing for Playboy and gave her avid footballer-husband a tag like "Cool footballer with a really hot wife!!".
So,watch out for her photos in the November's edition of Playboy.
written by
9:07 PM
Labels: Amanda Carraway nude pictures, Amanda Carraway playboy pictures
October 16, 2008
News:Gale Harold injured in motorcycle accident
Gale Harold,the “Desperate Housewives” actor who plays Teri Hatcher’s boyfriend has been hospitalized being seriously injured in a motorcycle accident that took place yesterday.
Reportedly,it is said that he had fractured his shoulder.His condition is still unknown as any announcement is due from the authorities.The actor,38, is being treated at Intensive Care Unit of USC Medical Center.
written by
2:00 AM
Labels: Gale Harold accident, Gale Harold accident news, Gale Harold condition
October 12, 2008
James Doherty :Dead for 15 minutes but comes "alive"
Britain’s Tennis ace,young James Doherty won over his life battle.In a miraclulous turn-around,the young tennis player aged 13 came back to life after remaining dead for 15 minutes.
He suffered a massive heart attack during a game playing at the
written by
9:49 PM
October 11, 2008
Angelina Jolie's breastfeeding pictures in November issue of W Magazine
Angelina Jolie who recently gave birth to twins Knox Leon and Vivienne Marcheline has been photographed by her partner and father of twins-Brad Pitt breast-feeding one of the new borns.
These breast-feeding photos,some of the 21 photos captured by Brad Pitt are to be featured in the next month’s(November) issue of W Magazine.
With the initial pictures of the twins fetching $14 Million from People magazine and Hello! ,there’s curiosity among the people about the amount W magazine could have paid for the deal.But there aren't any official numbers so far.
written by
1:36 AM
Labels: Angelina Jolie breastfeeding pictures, W magazine breastfeeding pictures
September 30, 2008
Gosublogger's 2nd Entrecard contest
GosuBlogger is holding a wonderful contest with the following prizes:
- 2000 Entrecredits + Review on GosuBlogger + Domain name + Celebrity e-mail
- 1500Entrecredits + Link on GosuBlogger + Link on Template Footer + Celebrity e-mail
- 1000 Entrecredits + Link on Template Footer + Celebrity e-mail
To be a part of the contest,register yourself by the following methods:
- Write about the contest
- Subscribe to the site's feed via email
- Post a comment on the contest post
The contest's gonna end when the particiaptors count reaches 30 so be there at the earliest.
The contest post is here
written by
5:15 PM
September 29, 2008
Glitch 1st anniversary contest:Win a domain or advertising
Mobile eBooks Etc,on the occasion of 1st anniversary is holding a blog contest.The blogger who also blogs at Glitchline faced all the hardships he lost his cool page rank while shifting to personal domain.Though the blog enjoys a PR3,it's not a better sight for a site that had a PR5 earlier.
In a view to help another blogger get a self domain at the earliest,the contest has the following prizes:
1st prize - a domain name (convertible to cash)
2nd price - 125×125 banner ad at Mobile eBooks for 1 month
3rd price - 125×125 banner ad at glitchline for 1 month
4th prize - text link ad at Mobile eBooks for 1 month
5th prize - text link ad at glitchline for 1 month
The entry methods are:
1. Blog about the contest indicating the prizes and link to the post, along with links to Mobile eBooks Etc and to glitchline = 6 points(Only Do follow links)
2. Blog your reaction on any post you find relevant on your blog with a link to that post from mobile eBooks and glitchline = 4 points (minimum 100 words)
3. Comment on any of blog posts on Mobile eBooks and glitchline = 1 point
So that's quite simple for a contest and the winners to be announced on 1st October.Here's the contest post.
written by
10:47 AM
Messaoud's september blog contest:Win cash or advertising,a blog about making money online is organizing a blog contest where you can win cash or advertising depending on your luck.
The prizes involved are:
1st Prize : $10 sent via PayPal
2nd Prize : 125×125 banner advertizing on for 1 month
3rd Prize : text link advertizing on for 1 month
You can be a part of the drawing by entering the contest by any or all of the following entry methods:
Subscribe to the blog's RSS feed through email for 10 entries
Blog about the contest and notify about it through a comment for 5 entries
Comment on other blogs,relevant to the posts and talk about the contest in a non spammy way for 1 entry
Refer your friends to the contest for 1 entry each
The contest ends on 30th September and winners are drawn through,head over there soon and test your luck...
Good luck :)
written by
9:57 AM
Heather Locklear arrested and released
Heather Locklear was arrested on Saturday on suspicion that she was driving under the influence of drugs.The arrest took place in Santa Barbara County.
The news came as a shock to many as the beautiful 47 year old actress came back from a 4-week rehabilitation program in July to get rid of anxiety and depression.
A Highway patrol officer took the action on complaint of "erratic driving" from an unknown peddler.She was later released from custody after tests for alcohol and drugs.
written by
2:56 AM
August 22, 2008
July 5, 2008 blog contest : win prizes worth 2500+ $ !!. is holding a wonderful contest with the following prizes:
Memberships, Products, Services & Consultations
- INconstantIN at "tips and tricks for bloggers" is giving away 1 free Domain for a year. worth at aprox $10 monetary value.
- Andreas at Xavier Media is giving away 5, 1 year VIP memberships to worth $175 monetary value.
- Rockfuse at ROCKFUSE: Helping Blogger Stand-out! is giving away 2, 30 min consultations via live IM for 2 bloggers. Possible topics to be consulted range but could be social media, SEO, blog design and monetization.
- Ashwin Kandoi at Own Words and Dictionary Is giving away 10 Free Words on worth $10 monetary value as well 1 word worth $10 on the same site. Making a total monetary value of $30.
- is the fastest growing community-built resource for blogs, ebooks, ezines, forums, websites and wikis. Submit to now for free. Hub-Site is giving away 5, Highlighted listings on for the months of July & August (This means
they'll be in larger, bold print at the top of the results page for the appropriate
category for their site/product) That is 5 winners for the 2 months. As well, 5 Highlighted listings on for the month of September (This means
they'll be in larger, bold print at the top of the results page for the appropriate
category for their site/product). Monetary value for these is listed at aprox $25 per winner. As well Hub-Site is giving away a Digg and Shout out for 5 articles of your choice to his Digg Network (600+ people). 2 lucky winners will win this. - Karl L. Gechlik at Get your geek on with is giving away 1 free Technical Support Session worth a monetary value of $75.
- Simon at Free 125 Cards - Create your own banner is giving away 1 month of advertising on plus 1 professionally designed 125x125 ad. Each having a value of $25.
- Young Entrepreneur Blog is giving away 1,000 copies of an Ebook ( Valued at $1000) and 2, 1 hour consultations. Monetary value of $150. His generous offering makes every entrant in this contest a winner up to the first 1000 people!
- Million Dollar Portfolio put up $25 via paypal, of hard earned money for one lucky winner.
- INconstantIN at tips and tricks for bloggers is giving away 1 free advert placement for a month.
- Duckeldanny's Money Blog is giving away 2 advert placements each for a month. That is 2, 125 x 125 ads for 1 month.
- Free Money Maker at is giving away 1 free advert placement for a month.
- Richard at Earn extra pocket money from the internet put up a 1 month advert for one lucky winner. 1 125 x 125 advert.
- Million Dollar Portfolio Contributed a 1 month advert placement. 125 x 125
- Ashwin Kandoi at gives away 1 free month of advertising via 125 x 125.
- Toast & Egg & Me contributed 1 free month of advertising space. 125 x 125
- David Jackson at Where technology and humanity meets gives away 1 free month of advertising. 125 x 125.
- is the fastest growing community-built resource for blogs, ebooks, ezines, forums, websites and wikis. Submit to now for free. Hub-Site offers up 125x125 advertising space on the front page of for the months of July, August. 2 Lucky winners will be showcased for both months. And for September 2 lucky winners will be granted 1 months of advertising space.
- Collin LaHay's Website Marketing Strategies offers 1, 30 day 125 x125 advertising space.
- USA Gadgets Offers 125 x 125 advertising space for 1 month.
- Youtube Most Viewed Video Offers 125 x 125 advertising space for 1 month.
- Marty at Money Maker Times offers up 1 month of free advertising space. money making and saving information.
- Blog Me The Money at Blog Traffic Tips offers 2, 125 x 125 free advert placements for 1 month each.
- Kasakk at Free Money Maker offers 1 free Blogroll add.
- David Jackson at Where technology and humanity meets offers 1 permanent blogroll add.
- Blog Me The Money at Adsense Alternatives offers 1 permanent blogroll add.
- InconstantIn at tips and tricks for bloggers contributed 5000 credits.
- Marcus at Internet Business Guide For First Class Progress contributed 1000 credits.
- Paul Ubiadas at contributed 1000 credits.
- Kasakk at Free Money Maker contributed 1000 credits.
- Free Advertising and Links contributed 500 credits.
- ULUPONGdotcom Blog contributed 1000 credits.
- Twins Happiness contributed 1000 credits.
- Million Dollar Portfolio contributed 500 credits.
- Michael Aulia at Technology and Reviews contributed 500 credits.
- Toast & Egg & Me contributed 1000 credits.
- David Jackson at Where technology and humanity meets contributed 1000 credits.
- Remi at A Blog focusing on dos and doesn't of IT offshoring, with a focus on China contributed 500 credits.
- USA Gadget and Youtube Most Viewed Video contributed 2000 credits.
- Ready To Be Rich contributed 500 credits.
- Ilia at Exposed Seo Blog contributed 3000 credits.
- Reap Money Online contributed 1000 credits.
- Blog Me The Money at Making Money Blogging contributed 2 prizes of 1000 credits.
- Wedding Cake Tips contributed 1000 credits.
With such huge prizes,this will certainly be a great contest to participate in!!.
Check out the contest page to read about the ways to gain entries.The contest ends on 6th July!!.
written by
5:52 AM
June 29, 2008
Ruslana Korshunova,the young model died in a probable suicide
Ruslana Korshunova,a supermodel known for long her long her and her sexy,stunning looks died probably in a suicide attempt.
The stunning model who has beautiful looking green eyes ,died today when she fall from her 9th floor apartment flat.
Ruslana Korshunova was named "The next big thing" by Vogue magazine and was finding her path to huge fame and success.Her death news is a shock to the fashion world!.
The model is just 20 and could have turned 21 this July 2nd !!.
written by
8:19 PM
comments weekly contest :Win prizes worth 59$
With many blogs springing up in the blogosphere,only the best and the toughest survive.And to survive you just need to put strategies into blogging.These strategies include blogging on hot topics,holding contests,trying for free publicity etc.,.One of the few newbies I see on the blogosphere who gave much importance to strategies of blogging was that of Junkieyard.
I saw him hold a unique kind of contest,publicize about it,build links to his blog etc., and all of this seemed to have paid-off in bringing a blog of what it is today.If you are new to blogging and want to learn about bringing your blog up-smart and fast,then I you should definitely take a look at what Junkieyard has done.
Coming to the contest details,it is one of a kind of a contest,where winners are drawn every week.Again this is a good way to keep the blog fresh and also build fresh links.This hardly happens with blog contests that run for months.The prizes are exciting too....
For the last week of the month June,Junkieyard has come up with a contest with the following prizes:
1st prize:
A 125×125 advertising banner for a month & 1,000 EntreCard credits.
2nd prize:
A blogroll link for a month & 500 EntreCard credits.
3rd prize:
300 EntreCard credits.
Bonus prize:
20 EntreCard credits for the first 10 to join the contest and comment on the contest post.
To enter the contest,you just need to blog about the contest with two links-one to the homepage( ) and other to the contest post( ).You can also add a banner to your blog to increase your chances of winning.The winner will be selected either by the quality of the blog posts or by
Check out more details,get the code for the banner ad at the contest post.
Make sure to give a hit at this contest as this ends on 30th June.
Good Luck :)
written by
6:05 PM
June 18, 2008
Blogger Noob's Market Leverage contest:Win great prizes !!.
Blogger Noob who has been teaching people how to blog and make money from it has teamed up with Market Leverage to give out some cool prizes.As a part of it's strategy to spread it's presence virally,Market Leverage has been contacting some big bloggers in the blogosphere to give their readers some great prizes. is one great blog among those Market Leverage has selected.Now let us take a look at the prizes:
4 GB iPod Nano, 2 GB USB pen, Flip video camera and a $50 American Express Card.
Entry methods:
1.Just comment on the contest post by saying something can be something related to the blog or some thing else.
2.Post a link to the contest post.
The contest ends on June 19th when he will be drawing FOUR WINNERS at random.
So,be there and try your luck at the contest!!.Good Luck... :)
written by
6:53 PM
June 15, 2008
Volk Defense Give-Away
It's his first contest and has put it up in's the first ever Volk Defense contest.
The prizes:
-2x Norton Internet Security 2008 (w/ Valid 1 Year Subscription Key) ($120 Value)
-2x Norton Antibot (w/ Valid 1 Year Subscription Key) ($60 Value)
-1x AVG Internet Security (w/ Valid 1 year Subscription Key) ($55 Value)
-$50 Via Paypal (4 Winners) ($200 Value)
-5 Winners Personal 1-Year Proxy Hosting (
-2x 1 Year Domain Registration (
-2x 125x125 Banner Design
Entry methods:
Participate On Volk Defense [1 ticket per comment/3 limit a day ]
Participate On The Forums (1-10 Tickets/Day)
Write About It ( 10 tickets )
Stumble/Digg/Propel ( 3 tickets )
So do join the contest at the Volk Defense contest page...the deadline is June 15th.
written by
11:24 AM
June 13, 2008
Sweethacks celebrates 1st anniversary with a 1300$ contest
Sweethacks run by Abdalla Ahmed, a Chemical Engineering Student at the University of Aston , Birmingham,is a cool site I came across recently.The blog is up to bring to our eyes-The latest in Technology also including the news on the latest gadgets....!!
I write to post to tell you about an awesome contest he has put up to mark the first anniversary of the site.The prizes of the contest amount to $1300 approximately(includes cash and advertising spots)....
Make sure to check out the prizes at the contest page
How to enter:
Getting entries can't get easier than this:
You just need to comment on the contest page:1 entry
Subscribe to the site's RSS feed through email:1 entry
Blog about the contest:2 entries
And the deadline for the contest is June 13th,so head over to Sweethacks soon and add your entries.
Good luck!!.
written by
8:16 PM
June 11, 2008
Bloggin-ads 2 Mac Book Air and 1000$ giveaway
UPDATE: The contest is over !.
Mike & Michelle at have come up with an awesome contest that can blow away any blogger's mind.Their blog does a lot of blog reviews and this contest is to give a kick start to their new strategy!!.
The Prizes:
- 2 x MacBook Air (a value of $1,799 each)
1.6Ghz Intel Core Duo
2GB Ram
80GB Internal Drive
13.3″ Display
Built-In WiFi and Bluetooth - 10 winners x $100 (a value of $1,000)
- Subscribe to the feed through email:just go to the site ,enter your email and confirm:1 ticket
- Become a friend of Mike on Stumbleupon at ticket
- Tell Mike about a error on his site here:1 ticket
- Stumble/digg/Propel the contest post :1 ticket each
- Hold the contest banner on your site(you can find the banners on the contest page):5 tickets
- Comment on the blog:1 ticket/comment and maximum of 5 tickets a day
- Write about the blog contest on your blog with anchor text "blog reviews":10 tickets
- Just write about the contest without any anchor test:5 tickets
- Participate in their forums,Entreforums and bloggin-ads forum:maximum of 10 tickets/day each
Be there and try your luck !.Don't forget to tell me if you win..The contest ends at 23:59:59 PST(i.e.,GMT -700) on 15th June !!.
UPDATE: The contest is over !.
written by
4:15 AM
Labels: blog contest
June 8, 2008
Nadal wins French Open 08 :Stats and Photos
Nadal once again refuses Roger Federer the chance of making a career slam by winning the French Open 2008.Nadal wins French Open for the fourth successive time sharing the record with the great Bjorn Borg as the second person to win four French Opens consecutively.Bjorn Borg has won the titles from 78-81.
The win also sees him join Federer, Bjorn Borg and Pete Sampras as the only players to have won at least four consecutive titles at a Grand Slam in the Open Era.
Not only is Nadal one of three players to have won four or more Roland Garros titles since 1925, but he also joins Ilie Nastase (1973) and Bjorn Borg (1978, 1980) as just the third player in the Open Era to win the Roland Garros title without dropping a set, and the fifth player to do so at any Grand Slam in the Open Era.
That's makes a heap of broken records...Nadal has defeated Federer thrice for the last three years to deny him the title in the finals of the tournament.In 2005,Nadal defeated Federer in a semifinal.
The "King of Clay" has completely outplayed Federer beating him 6-1,6-3,6-0 in straight sets and completing the match in just 108 minutes.Nadal never gave Federer any chance to win and come back to the match!!.
Now again pops up the question-"Can Federer ever win French Open when Nadal is playing?".Well the answer should be a simple "Impossible!!".
Here are the match stats:
| Federer (SUI) | Nadal (ESP) | ||
1st Serve % | 53 of 77 = 69 % | 50 of 67 = 75 % | ||
Aces | 2 | 0 | ||
Unforced Errors | 35 | 7 | ||
Winning % on 1st Serve | 26 of 53 = 49 % | 35 of 50 = 70 % | ||
Winning % on 2nd Serve | 5 of 24 = 21 % | 11 of 17 = 65 % | ||
Winners (Including Service) | 31 | 46 | ||
Receiving Points Won | 21 of 67 = 31 % | 46 of 77 = 60 % | ||
Break Point Conversions | 1 of 4 = 25 % | 8 of 17 = 47 % | ||
Net Approaches | 18 of 42 = 43 % | 2 of 6 = 33 % | ||
Total Points Won | 52 | 92 | ||
Fastest Serve | 208 KMH | 194 KMH | ||
Average 1st Serve Speed | 192 KMH | 173 KMH | ||
Average 2nd Serve Speed | 160 KMH | 150 KMH |
Here are some photos of the French open 2008 final:







written by
9:27 PM
June 7, 2008
Ana Ivanovic Pictures :The No.1 in Tennis
Ana Ivanovic once again stormed into news by winning her first Grand slam -The French Open.The hot Serbian who is known for her beauty and passion for Tennis beat Russian Dinara Safina 6-4,6-3 in the French Open final,thus ending Safina's hopes of taking another miraculous win!!!.
With the win,Ivanovic would replace Maria Sharapova as the number one in Women's rankings.She is also the first Serbain to do so..
Here are some of the hot pictures of Ana Ivanovic:
written by
10:38 PM
Lynda Carter-the "wonder woman" finds dead body
Lynda Carter,popularly called "Wonder Woman" after the character she portrayed in the 1970 television series,discovered a dead body of a woman while she was rowing in the Potomac River.
The famous actress immediately alerted the local fishermen who called the police.Police suspect the death to be suicidal.
When contacted,Carter said "I didn't do anything special,I did what anybody would have done."!!.
Huh..she is indeed a wonder woman!!!.
written by
10:33 PM
June 6, 2008
Upstartblogger:Mac Book Air and iPhones giveaway!!.
Ashley Morgan of upstartblogger has a hot contest running on his blog-A giveaway of 5 iPhones and a Mac Book Air.Yes you heard it right!.It's one of the biggest giveaways I have ever participated in.
This blog post has been made in order to mention my participation in the contest...:)
The last few days have been quite productive in finding new bloggers.While some of them are quite okay,others such as Ashley are just great!.He runs quite many number of contests,that I was confused in which one to particpate..:)
This blog run by Ashley is a blog you should never miss if you are looking to build and maintain a successful blog!!!.
He's had a great post for new bloggers with the title: 25 steps to launching your blog and making $100+/month in 30 days.
Make sure you read the blog if you are blogger and if you are a newbie start with the post above.You should have got my idea by's a must read blog!!!.
Way to win the prizes:Go to the page for information
Mac Book Air:
1st iPhone:
2nd iPhone:
3 more iPhones:
Headover to upstartblogger soon to read the rules and enter the contest.SORRY the last date to enter the contest is 6th June(I have been a bit late to know about the contest,but there's still some time for you)..
written by
9:31 PM
June 5, 2008
Enjoy the beauty of Social Networking with
With raising concerns over social networking,new trends and practices are taking shape!.A similar practice of super safe social networking is that implemented by Crush Or !!!.
The main advantage of using CrushorFlush would be privacy!.You can browse through others profiles and thereafter,you can crush or flush an individual!.Even when you have a mutual crush,your personal information is never leaked to others.Anonymous profiles are completely never to be seen on the site!.A person can maintain only one profile.
One of the coolest features of the networking site is it's chat !!.You can chat with your "crushes" after having a mutual crush with them.They never leak your personal details-including your phone number,real name and email address to any one.Through chat if you personally wanted to reveal your identity to your friends-it is welcome.
And most importantly,if there's a complaint of any harassment from a member,that fellow is permanently banned from the site!.
Happy networking!!!.
written by
5:31 AM
May 28, 2008
Santa Claus Canadian Postal Code: HoH oHo
Children's favorite Santa Claus now has an official Canadian Postal Code as HoH oHo.
Canadian government has set up an official postal code and address for Santa Claus to route the thousands and thousands of letters sent to Santa Claus.This program kick started in 1983.And you should have already observed that the postal code was derived from "Ho Ho Ho".
So the full address of Santa is:
written by
4:15 AM
Molly Sims Diamond Bikini photo
Actress and model,Molly Sims appeared wearing a diamond bikini worth $30 million on the cover of Sports Illustrated Swimsuit in 2006.The bikini, designed by Susan Rosen is made up of over 150 carats of D flawless diamonds.
The picture shown is the publicity photograph released in February,2006.
Her increase in popularity is mainly linked to this swimsuit photo release,which became very popular during that time.Even today there are many teens that search for Molly Sims Diamond Bikini.
Later,she also appeared in the movie The Benchwarmers.
written by
3:48 AM
May 27, 2008
Alex Lyskawa died in a crash at Summit Point Raceaway
Alex Lyskawa ,13 of Londonderry,NH died after being involved in a multi-bike accident at Summit Point Raceway.
This is a video made by KeeganJKP in memory of Alex Lyskawa:
written by
5:39 AM
May 25, 2008
Rob knox :The Harry Potter actor killed
Robert Knox, 18, a British teenage actor playing a minor role in the upcoming "Harry Potter" film was stabbed to death.The shocking incident occured outside a bar in London on saturday!.
Rob Knox plays Ravenclaw student Marcus Belby in the upcoming film "Harry Potter And The Half-Blood Prince," the sixth installment of the popular series set.He completed his acting work for the movie which is set for release in November.
Warner Bros., the studio that is producing the film, felt sorry for the incident.
Rob Knox was reportedly stabbed after trying to save his 16-year-old brother, Jamie, from a man armed with two knives.
written by
10:07 AM
May 18, 2008
Crush or flush your contacts:Safe social networking
It's hot summer over here with temperatures soaring well over 45 degrees.Due to this,we couldn't even go out during the day.This has been a problem for me for the past few days as I couldn't meet people,friends and could do nothing productive as well.As a result,the whole day time was getting wasted.
At this point of time,my friend introduced me to a new social networking site designed primarily for people looking forward to meet new people.The site is .As the name itself,the site is quite attractive and innovative too....
More information:
Crush or Flush is a fun, safe, and easy way to meet people, chat, and stay in contact with friends using your cell phone or your computer
Open an account which is free and upload your face pic, add a description, and create some tags that describe who you are.Let them know if you are looking for a woman, a man (or both). That’s it, you’re profile is done and you can start Crushin’ and Flushin’ people.
You can browse people by gender, age, location, and interest (tags). If you find someone you like ‘crush’ them. If not, ‘flush’ them. Don’t worry… they’ll never know you flushed them so no hard feelings. If you Crush someone and they Crush you back… that’s called a Mutual Crush. You’ll both get a text message letting you know that you both like each other. You can then text chat without giving up any of your personal info. No one ever gets your real name, cell phone number, or e-mail address.
Safe way to meet people isn't it?
written by
2:33 PM
May 17, 2008
Win $10 weekly from
Zero and Up is running a weekly contest and a lucky reader would win ten bucks, sent to your PayPal account. All you have to do is subscribe to his feed via email and that's it....You got your chance to win $10 every saturday!!!.
written by
2:35 AM
March 7, 2008
Eve Carson:UNC student body president shot dead
Eve Carson,the student body president of the University of North Carolina was found shot dead,shocking many.
On Thursday,police identified a young woman found shot dead in a Chapel Hill, N.C., residential neighborhood as Carson, 22, of Athens, Ga. It still remains a mystery why she was in the area of her death!.
The university Chancellor James Moeser said "We have lost someone whom we cherish and love....We're all in a state of shock." in a depressed mood.
Carson was a Morehead-Cain scholar and a North Carolina Fellow, taking part in a four-year leadership development program for undergraduates.She majored in political science and biology, taught science at a Chapel Hill elementary school, studied abroad in Cuba, and spent summers volunteering in Ecuador, Egypt and Ghana as part of a school program.
In her position as student body president, she was a member of the university's Board of Trustees.
Thousands of students gathered on campus to mourn the death of Eve Marie Carson.
written by
6:26 AM